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TechBytes: A CarFax for Houses, Touch Clients in New Ways, and Smart Email

I got to preview Revaluate in NYC last January and was impressed by the amount (and type) of data presented, but also by HOW it was presented in not only the user interface… but also the cheeky manner as seen in the image to the right where it's recommended to pack an arsenal and "invest in a German Shepard".

TechBytes: Voicemail Marketing, A Better Zillow, and The Blue Angels!

In the "news that probably won't be" section, LinkedIn is trying to become (more) relevant (again) in the real estate industry by providing a real estate agent matching service. Interesting idea. Not sure I'm sold on it though. I was recently shown a pretty awesome tool if you ever want to blast a voicemail out to all your contacts. Slybroadcast lets you record, schedule and broadcast voicemail ...